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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

JR Ewing~Who could forget !

Well, folks~we took our grandsons back to Dallas after their visit with extended family over Christmas break. Our daughter surprised us with an outing to Parker, Texas~home to 'SOUTHFORK', where JR Ewing ~the man people LOVED to hate!~made a name for himself in the late 70's . We toured the grounds, and got to go in the house where the series was filmed. It is just BEAUTIFUL inside, and yet, much smaller than it appears on camera. It was so fun to actually stand on the patio where so many of the Ewing's morning meals were shared, and take the grand staircase up to JR and Sue Ellen's bedroom! Larry Hagman, who played JR, of course, is quite an artist, and each room has an original oil painting of the original cast members where he has captured the true essence of their personalities on canvas. His eye for detail is impeccable ! I wish you could see the oil painting he did of Sue Ellen. It is absolutely stunning! I've included a few more pictures that you might enjoy, taken throughout the home. You just can't believe how darling the kitchen was. I am so disappointed in my camera, as the pictures came out so grainy. I hope to remedy that with a newer model sometime soon! Shooting began today on the grounds of 'Southfork' for a whole new season. We were not told who the actors are , but if the new series is anything like the original ones, get ready for more Texas-sized egos , family brawls, and southern drawls, y'all!