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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

JR Ewing~Who could forget !

Well, folks~we took our grandsons back to Dallas after their visit with extended family over Christmas break. Our daughter surprised us with an outing to Parker, Texas~home to 'SOUTHFORK', where JR Ewing ~the man people LOVED to hate!~made a name for himself in the late 70's . We toured the grounds, and got to go in the house where the series was filmed. It is just BEAUTIFUL inside, and yet, much smaller than it appears on camera. It was so fun to actually stand on the patio where so many of the Ewing's morning meals were shared, and take the grand staircase up to JR and Sue Ellen's bedroom! Larry Hagman, who played JR, of course, is quite an artist, and each room has an original oil painting of the original cast members where he has captured the true essence of their personalities on canvas. His eye for detail is impeccable ! I wish you could see the oil painting he did of Sue Ellen. It is absolutely stunning! I've included a few more pictures that you might enjoy, taken throughout the home. You just can't believe how darling the kitchen was. I am so disappointed in my camera, as the pictures came out so grainy. I hope to remedy that with a newer model sometime soon! Shooting began today on the grounds of 'Southfork' for a whole new season. We were not told who the actors are , but if the new series is anything like the original ones, get ready for more Texas-sized egos , family brawls, and southern drawls, y'all!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Chapter begun

Today, January 5, 2010, marks the start of a new chapter in my life............one begun on my own, without my Mom, who passed away on December 30th, 2010.

She passed away at 80 years of age, due to the ravages of cancer~Multiple Myeloma. Her service was yesterday. My world, and the world of my brothers and sisters, along with numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren, will never be the same. She was the last of her generation in my family. Now, the baton has been passed to me, and my brothers and sisters, to carry on the legacy left to us by two beloved parents, both of southern decent, who taught us to love others, without reservation or, discrimination. Neither one of my parents knew a stranger, and always welcomed people into their lives and into our home , with one goal: to make them feel like part of the family!

It's that southern accent that I'll yearn for the most, though all I have to do is make a phone call to a few extended family members, who remain in the south, for that southern-drawl 'fix'. And how can I forget my dear friend, Billie, or my friend Ginger, BOTH of whom have hailed from Tennesse, my home state! God chose to bless my life with these two precious women, as His way of keeping me connected to my 'roots'. We truly are 'GRITS'~Girls Raised In The South!

My mother was a beautiful, loving, energetic dynamo of a woman, whose life was spent being an advocate for those less fortunate, and for those creatures who had no voice: the animals. She exemplified the true meaning of Christianity, loving the unlovable, and living to ease the burdens of others. I can only hope that the legacy I leave my children and grandchildren could be half what my mother's is. For sure, I will look to her as my model for what LOVE is really all about. We are all the same, you and I...............all of us in need of being loved unconditionally, and appreciated for who we are. We have been created in the image of a loving God, and He is reflected in each and every one of us! Maybe we could be a little kinder, to others as WELL as to ourselves, if we just realized that! Thankyou , Mom, for loving me, and for setting an example for loving well. I will miss you, always. Your loving daughter, Andrea

Friday, April 2, 2010

California surfer receives whale of an escort during marathon paddle, by Pete Thomas

Do you ever struggle with doubts that God even hears your prayers, much less answers them? Well, I do. I suppose it's more from the standpoint that God's timetable is different than mine, so in all fairness, He probably answers WAY more times than I care to admit...............it's just that they come packaged differently, and at a different time, than I had expected. Well, the following story is an AWESOME visual and proof that God DOES hear and answer prayer........................and He does it in ways that blow our minds, oftentimes! Enjoy!

California surfer receives whale of an escort during marathon paddle, by Pete Thomas